For a reference, please feel free to contact the following RD's:
Lori Sage / Tampa, FL (727) 538-4204
Sheri Gent / Indianapolis, IN (317) 469-7588
Brian Terry / Phoenix, AZ, San DIego, CA (602) 476-4204
Jim Folger / Seattle, WA (253) 838-0662
For a reference, please feel free to contact the following RD's:
Lori Sage / Tampa, FL (727) 538-4204
Sheri Gent / Indianapolis, IN (317) 469-7588
Brian Terry / Phoenix, AZ, San DIego, CA (602) 476-4204
Jim Folger / Seattle, WA (253) 838-0662
To all InventHelp Regional Directors and sales offices. We are now expanding our calling services with five to seven openings. Fill out your office information to get on the wating list today!
Jaime Whitfield
P.O. Box 435, Henderson, CO 80640